Ruthanne Kiefer

About Ruthanne Kiefer
Ruthanne Kiefer is a first-generation student and lifelong learner who overcame poverty and childhood trauma. She served as an Active-Duty Air Force (AF) member in the 80s and 90s, completing her associate’s degree in 1990 thanks to Alamo Colleges! After serving, she started on the bottom of IT as a Facility Trainer and moved forward from there to System Specialist and Database Administrator before moving into process and data analytics. She was later a project manager and Operations and Applications Lead for the DHA before becoming a program manager for an intense cybersecurity contract supporting the Navy.
Ruthanne went back to school in 2009 and has yet to quit! So far, she completed a BS in Management of Information Systems, an MA in Information Technology (IT) Management (MA-ITM), an MS-IT with an emphasis on Database Technologies, and an MBA with an emphasis on Project Management. She is currently pursing an MS in Data Science and Data Analytics because she wants to learn even more! She completed every course while working full time and knows exactly how difficult it is to get everything done AND that pressing on through the tough times completely changed her life for the better.
Ruthanne currently serves Northeast Lakeview College as a Faculty Instructor for our emerging Database Administration AAS! She is so excited for this opportunity AND to work directly with our students as they prepare for their professional careers! She believes all students have what it takes to make it through one more course until they meet their desired goals!
Fun Fact: Ruthanne has 3 dogs, 5 cats, 4 hens, one rooster, 4 baby chicks and eggs! All her animal friends except the last few chickens were rescued.