WEAVE Online

What is WEAVE Online?

San Antonio College utilizes WEAVE Online, a web-based assessment management system to support and document strategic planning implementation, and results of assessment initiatives at the academic and administrative unit level throughout the College. The purpose of WEAVE Online is to provide departments a tool on how departments connect and contribute to the College's overall work.

WEAVE Online Support

The following three offices through a collaborative effort provide WEAVE Online Support:

  • The Integrated Planning and Performance Excellence division provides content assistance in creating mission, vision, goals, objectives, measurements, and action plans.
  • The Office of Technology Services provides technical support throughout the following areas:
    • Helpdesk at 210-486-0777
    • Footprints Request (Account Creation & Password Reset)
    • Technical Navigation Training
    • Technical Support Resources (Training Guides, Quick Reference & eClips)
  • The Institutional Research office provides system management and reporting support in the following areas: 
    • System customizations
    • System maintenance
    • Data analysis, and
    • Institutional reporting


WEAVE login is located in the Institutional Effectiveness and Research SharePoint website under the Planning link: https://app.weaveonline.com/sac/login.aspx


WEAVE help can be accessed from within WEAVE Online by clicking the question mark inside the blue circle located in the upper right corner of the screen. Help topics vary according to the page that is open.

WEAVE Tutorials

Mid-Year Review and Analysis

End-of-Year Review and Analysis

SAC SCORES: FALL Assessment Day Strategic Planning Year-End Activities

Year-End – Rubric for Evaluating Department/Unit Strategic Assessment Plan

Strategic Planning - Assessment Element Terms

New Cycle Planning