Departmental Purchases


1. Beginning Fall 2016, all Apple purchases at the Alamo Colleges will be routed for purchase through the SAC Tech Store.

2. To purchase Apple Devices, contact the IT department at your College or District Support Operations and request a quote through the Footprints Service Management System.

3. Registered and Authorized users will be able to directly submit a request for a quote through the Apple E-Commerce site.

4. Once you receive the quote, you can generate the Purchase Order for the Apple equipment following the standard requisition process.

5. Problems?  Call the respective college help desk:        

SAC:   (210) 486-0777

SPC:   (210) 486-2777

PAC:   (210) 486-3777

NVC:   (210) 486-4777

NLC:   (210) 486-5777

District Support Central: (210) 485-0555

- Alamo Colleges District has a purchasing agreement with Apple to provide you with educational pricing and custom solutions.
SAC Tech Store can help procure a variety of products from Apple. 
- Email  to recieve a price quote.