Objective 3

Strategic Plan 2015-2018

Objective III.

Sustainability - InFUSE Continuous Quality Improvement to support the NVC mission.

Strategy III.A High Performance and Continuous Improvement - Fully embrace and celebrate a culture of continuous improvement.

Organizational Action Plan III.A.1 - Quality Enhancement and Institutional Effectiveness

  1. Create opportunities to share, recognize, and celebrate the effectiveness of our practices.
  2. Integrate systematic cycles of measurement and improvement.

Strategy III.B Community Partnership and Engagement - Collaboratively engage surrounding community in the fulfillment NVC mission

Organizational Action Plan III.B.1 - Community Partnerships and Engagement

  1. Grow partnerships to include Alamo, business, social, civic, governmental and education entities.
  2. Integrate systematic cycles of measurement and improvement for Community and Public Service.
  3. Create opportunities to share, recognize, and celebrate our engagement with our communities.