From a layoff to a high-wage career: Tony Sanders is re-writing his future

May 30, 2023

Tony Sanders
Tony Sanders (pictured right) says his natural curiosity equipped him for success in college, where he met instructors and peers who were eager to share their knowledge.

During the COVID-19 pandemic, Tony Sanders was in a situation familiar to many. He had years of experience at his job but found himself without one as companies made cutbacks.

“I loved working there, I thought I would retire there,” he said about his job as a wiring technician. “But I said, ‘that's it. I'm done. I need to go to school, that way I can get a job and keep a job.’"

The 55-year-old father was always a natural leader, taking on managerial roles at the various places he worked. But the thought of going back to school was intimidating.

“Going back to college was kind of hard. I was worried I wasn't going to keep up,” Tony said.


He decided to attend St. Philip’s College to earn an Electrical Trades associate degree, where he could build on what he already knew through his work experience. He’d spent his life learning from others, letting curiosity guide him.

“College was intimidating, but I came to find out I could do it,” he said. “After the first semester, I started getting more interested in how electricity works, and it encouraged me. I would read everything, and I would go back and read it again. It became easier when I realized -- ‘I can do this.’”

The community he found at St. Philip’s was just what he needed to succeed in the classroom and earn the degree that would place him in a high-demand, high-wage job.

"You have instructors who are with you step-by-step. They have your back. That's the thing I like - the community. They want you to succeed," Tony said.  

As he progressed in the classroom, an unexpected conversation with Dr. Angela McPherson Williams (known to students as Dr. Mac), director of Student Success at St. Philip's led him to many leadership opportunities. Dr. Mac recognized those leadership qualities Tony had always possessed and encouraged him to get involved.


He soon became the Student Government Vice President, Mr. St. Phillip’s 2023, and a member of the National Society of Leadership and Success, honor society Phi Theta Kappa, the Student District Council, and Student Leadership Institute.

"Learning leadership skills enhanced my knowledge as far as how to go out there, how to treat people, how to lead," Tony said.

Tony graduates from St. Philip’s in Fall 2023 and plans to immediately join the workforce.