College Connection /High Schools we Visit
College Connection
The College Connection program allows Northeast Lakeview College representatives to assist high school Seniors to transition into higher education in partnership with area independent school districts. College Connection agreements allow us to come into participating schools to process applications and enrollment steps, allowing interested high school Seniors to begin college on time with required steps complete.
What are the advantages of participating in the College Connection Program?
Assistance with FREE application
Students will participate in a hands-on workshop to complete their ApplyTexas application to any of the five Alamo Colleges (Northeast Lakeview College, Northwest Vista College, Palo Alto College, St. Philip's College, or San Antonio College).
Assistance and guidance completing the AlamoENROLL online modules
AlamoENROLL modules are required for all First-Time-In-College Students (FTIC) at all five Alamo Colleges. Our representatives will visit participating high schools to ensure completion of this process.
College Placement/Assessment Information
Students will receive information in regards to the Alamo Colleges placement exam. Testing costs and testing locations provided.
Assistance with Financial Aid Information and Processing
Information on FAFSA Saturday workshops on our campus provided along with Alamo Scholarship resources.
Save money
Students are able to complete transferable courses at a lower cost at any of the five Alamo Colleges, prior to or during enrollment at a four-year institution.
Keep all options open
Although students may plan to attend a four-year institution, having other options is important. By participating in the College Connection program, students are able to plan accordingly. If something changes and students are unable to start at a desired four-year institution, they can still be on track and enrollment ready for any Alamo College by participating in the College Connection program.