Rosa Ramirez

About Rosa Ramirez
Department: Student Success – NVC Student Life Office
B.S. | Biology (with a minor in Spanish) from Texas A&M University - Corpus Christi
M.S. | Wildlife Ecology from Texas State University *in progress*
No preference - anyone is welcome! 😊 I can apply skills I have gathered teaching and within my research to many other subjects. I just find joy in helping students to see the greatness within themselves & guiding them towards enhancing those qualities.
Greetings Earthlings! My name is Rosa Ramirez (she/her). I was born and raised in Houston, TX. I am a first generation Mexican-American (1st born in the US of A). I am the first in my family (extended + immediate) to attend & graduate college. I will also be the first to earn a Master’s Degree, which is currently in progress. I love going to school & learning new things. If I could be a student forever, I would! My favorite thing in the world is enjoying a movie or some good tunes with my fiancé Jon & our 3 fur-babies; our puppy, Luna Darling, and our feline fellas: Kevin + Monkey. <3
I have experience in a pretty wide variety of subjects from my time as an undergraduate, during my graduate studies & in my current role as staff at NVC.
Below are a few highlights of my favorite experiences so far.
NVC Student Life – Student Organization Advisor
- Marketing/Advertisement
- Event Planning & Event Hosting
Science/Biology Based Experience:
Personal Practice & Teaching of Biological Concepts/Technique at A College Level (~3 Years)
- Research Methods & Experimental Design
- Preparing & Producing Literature Reviews
- Gathering, Organizing &Statistical Analysis of Data
- Presenting Scientific Research at Various Conferences (poster & oral presentations)
- Biological Lab Techniques
- Field Sampling Techniques
- Preservation of Biological Specimens
Fields Within Biology That I Am Most Familiar with Include, But Are Not Limited To:
- Ecology
- General Biology
- Disease & Wildlife Ecology
- Parasitology
- Conservation Biology
- Animal Husbandry & Training
- Microbiology
- Zoology & Mammalogy
A Few Of My Favorite Personal Highlights as A Student:
Pushing Myself to Overcome My Public Speaking Fear by Attending Conferences (In-State & Out of State) to Present My Research - Ones I am particularly proud of are:
- The Women in Science & Engineering (WiSE) Conference at TX STATE - 2019
- I came in first place in the poster competition)
- The 99th Annual Meeting of the American Society of Mammologists (ASM) at Washington D.C. (2019)
- Presented my research via poster (Page 56, #294)
- During Which I Had the Chance To Tour The Center For Conservation Genomics At The National Zoo – A personal dream of mine!
- Earned A Full Scholarship To Attend From ASM (Nominated by my Advisor)
Studying Abroad – BEYOND AMAZING!
- Neotropical Ornithology - Costa Rica
- Dolphin Husbandry & Training - Playa del Carmen, Mexico