Strategic Goals 2022-2025
Goal I: Quality Teaching, Learning, and Student Success
Objective I: Enhance Learning
Create innovative processes, resources, and methods of assessment to enhance student learning.
- Utilize high-impact practices in teaching and learning.
- Expand student opportunities for cross-curricular/programmatic learning.
- Facilitate an environment of robust faculty and staff collaboration.
- Expand and increase awareness of academic support services.
- Identify and utilize relevant technology to meet college population needs.
Objective II: Enhance Student Support and Engagement
Develop infrastructure and opportunities for innovative methods, processes, and resources to enhance student success.
- Strengthen all aspects of career and transfer pathways awareness through the Alamo Institutes.
- Build upon current practices designed to increase completion and minimize excess credit hours.
- Expand opportunities for student engagement and innovative resources for student success.
- Fully integrate cross-college processes for holistic advising.
- Expand and increase awareness of student support services.
Objective III: Enhance Quality Teaching
Maintain and continue to develop quality professional development experiences for faculty.
- Implement opportunities for professional development (discipline-specific and pedagogy specific).
- Develop opportunities for faculty to share teaching techniques, strategies, and classroom experiences.
- Enhance the availability of interactive learning technologies in the classroom.
- Develop faculty peer mentorship.
Goal II: Respect, Value, and Empower People
Objective I: Respectful Inclusive Culture
Promote an inclusive and diverse culture in which people's needs, ideas, and involvement are critical parts of the institutional operations.
- Practice shared organizational leadership by including all stakeholders at the table.
- Prioritize purposeful, multilateral communication, and respectful listening for increased employee engagement.
- 3Strive for optimal staffing levels and infrastructure to support program and curriculum growth.
- Empower diverse, cross-campus, inclusive work teams through organizational support.
Objective II: Employee Development and Recognition
Create opportunities to support, share, recognize, and celebrate the accomplishments of NLC employees.
- Promote and encourage varied and viable options for personal, professional, and leadership development.
- Recognize, award, and celebrate the accomplishments of NLC employees.
- Explore and enact innovative reward systems for employee achievements and appreciation.
Goal III: Enrich Internal and External Community Engagement and Communication
Objective I: Communication and Engagement
Enhance relationships with internal and external stakeholders and develop an awareness of College resources and services.
- Increase awareness of college and community services to enhance engagement.
- Invest in systems to facilitate transparency and dissemination of information and resources to both internal and external stakeholders.
Objective II: Skills Development
Engage with our community to provide a skilled workforce.
- Develop programs that enrich our community.
- Equip our students with essential skills for employment.
- Expand internships and experiential learning opportunities.
- Engage with our community partners to provide educational enrichment opportunities on campus.
- Create an idea-sharing environment that promotes networking.
Objective III: Civic Responsibility and Cultural Awareness
Encourage a culture of civic responsibility and cultural awareness.
- Promote programming about different cultures.
- Provide opportunities for civic engagement within the community.
- Incentivize NLC employees and students to serve our community.