
Navigating through college can be tough and feel overwhelming at times.  Consider joining the Faculty Student Mentor Program. Your Faculty Mentor will be a resource and help motivate and encourage you.  While at SAC your mentor will discuss different programs and avenues available that will help you stay on track until you complete your goals here.  We can find a Faculty Mentor who will help guide you through your time at SAC.

The Benefits of FSM

How FSM Helps Freshman

FSM Helps Me When I'm Stressed or Discouraged

FSM Helps Me Feel Connected to SAC


Who should join and what should you expect?

This program is geared toward freshman however, no student will be turned away.  If you want to connect with a faculty mentor and are willing to build a mentoring relationship you need to join this program.  Your mentor will be your advocate and help you navigate the college process.  You can expect to meet face-to-face and be contacted via email according to an agreed-upon plan you and your mentor decide on.

Interested in joining the Faculty Student Mentor Program?

I want to join!  Thank your Professor