St. Philip's College Sports

Get Involved! Join Our Winning Teams.

Stop by the Turbon Student Center (TSC), Suite 110 or the Southwest Campus Game Room (ITC-Building 1, D-143) for more information. Contact the Athletic Coordinator, Paul Lede, for more information.

  • Cheerleading Team
  • Mascot
  • Men’s Basketball
  • Women's Basketball
  • Women's Volleyball
  • Intramurals & Recreation

Athletic Handbook

  • Wellness Center Information

    If you like to learn more information about our William Allen Hudgins Health and Wellness Center and its availability, please visit the Kinesiology web page.
    Learn more

Come Relax with Us!

St. Philip's College supports all recreation and wellness activities on campus. Students can participate in a variety of intramural activities.  For more information, visit the Department of Student Life in the Turbon Student Center (TSC) or Room D-143 of Building 1 at the Southwest Campus. 

Recreational Programs

Finding yourself with time between classes? Come by and see what's happening! Recreation programs offer something for everyone. If you would like to participate or have any suggested recreational activities, please contact the Department of Student Life at 210-486-2135 or email us at   


Extramural Sports are designed for our St. Philip’s College students to compete against other extramural sports teams such as Northeast Lakeview College, Northwest Vista College, Palo Alto College, San Antonio College and any surrounding universities or community colleges. The three extramural sports are:

  • Extramural Men’s Basketball
  • Extramural Women’s Basketball
  • Extramural Women’s Volleyball

Eligibility Criteria

  • Students must be enrolled in at least 9 credit hours at SPC
  • Students must have a minimum of 2.0 GPA (grade point average)
  • Students must attend a tryout set in August of the Fall Semester or January of the Spring Semester
  • Students must attend all required study halls
  • Students must attend all required practice times

Visit the Office of Student Life in the Turbon Student Center for more information regarding these programs or call (210) 486-2241 or (210) 486-2135.

Tiger Cheer Squad

Zenobia Tucker

Men's Basketball

Nicolas Gomez

Women's Basketball
Women's Volleyball
Intramural & Recreation

Contact Information

Coordinator of Student Success:
Paul Lede
SWC Industrial Technology Center (ITC), D-143
MLK Turbon Student Center (TSC), 110