Quintin Babaie

About Quintin Babaie
My name is Quintin Babaie. I am a full-time faculty instructor of philosophy here at NLC. I am also the co-advisor for the philosophy club here at NLC (Thinking Well). I grew up and have lived in San Antonio for most of my life. I studied and fell in love with philosophy at the University of Texas at Austin (Hook 'em lml), where I earned my Bachelor's Degree in Philosophy, with a Minor in Sociology, in December 2014. I then got my Master's Degree in Philosophy at UTSA in December of 2017. My primary philosophical interests are in Modal Metaphysics, Philosophy of Religion, and Platonism. I also love watching and playing baseball, football, and basketball, the last of which is my favorite (I am a die-hard Spurs fan). I also enjoy painting, writing, playing guitar (poorly), and playing games (both board and video). Two of my greatest joys in life are to make people laugh and think.