Frequently Asked Questions

How do I find a Faculty Mentor?

You can find a mentor at the Meet the Mentors page.

Why is this program important for me?

This program will assist you with encouragement, guidance, and support from an NLC Faculty member. The faculty mentor will help you complete your goals of transferring to a university or entering employment.

Why do I want to do this?

This program formalizes the important interactions between faculty and students to be used in conjunction with a professional advisor with the intention of promoting student retention and completion. Faculty Mentors make an even greater impact on our NLC student's lives.

What are the benefits of having a mentor?

A faculty mentor will assist our students in areas possibly ranging from academic work to life skills. Assistance might include:

  1. Locating support services for course work.
  2. Resume and personal statement writing guidance.
  3. Informing students of clubs and organizations.
  4. Assist with networking.
  5. Provide insights into a specific field or career.
  6. And more!
What can I expect from this program?

NLC students can expect to build a relationship in which students feel that there is a faculty member who cares about his or her success.

Who are the Faculty Mentors?

Faculty Mentors may be either full-time or part-time faculty that teach at NLC. You can learn  more about our mentors by visiting the Meet the Mentors page

What are the benefits of the Faculty-Student Mentoring program?

Building a relationship with a faculty member.

Why would I want to participate in the mentoring program?

Get help with Career Advice.

Increases your chances to graduate!

How do I join the program?

The Two Ways to Get a NLC Faculty Mentor

  1. Ask a faculty member to be your mentor:

Learn about the various NLC Faculty Mentors by viewing the Meet the Mentors page. You can directly e-mail or speak with the faculty member and ask them to be your mentor! You must provide your mentor with your first and last name, BannerID, and ACES email.

  1. Complete the student questionnaire

If you are not sure who you would like to be your mentor or do not want to ask a mentor directly, complete the student questionnaire. Based off of your responses, you will be matched with an available mentor.

The questionnaire also allows you to request specific faculty. Please note that if the requested faculty mentors are not available, you will be matched based on your other responses in the questionnaire to the best available mentor.


Once you are matched to a faculty mentor, the faculty mentor will contact you via your ACES email. This process may take up to two weeks.

For any additional questions, email: