Intramural Sports

Intramural Sports is designed for our Northeast Lakeview College students to compete against each other at the Northeast Lakeview College campus, in sporting events such as:

  • Basketball
  • Volleyball
  • Flag Football
  • Soccer
  • Spike Ball
  • E-Sports

These activities are here to keep students active and engaged on our campus; some knowledge of sports is suggested. We hold league play every semester in the WLNS Gym or on the NLC Campus Green. All current NLC or SAC at NLC students can participate. To participate, a student must: 

  • provide a current student ID
  • be ready to play (tennis shoes, t-shirt, sweat pants/shirt, wind pants, shorts(can not be against student code of conduct)

Students must have the following forms filled out before play in the league: 

If you're interested in becoming a student officiate or helping out in any way please see the Office of Student Development, leadership & Activities for more information at STCM 131; 210-486-5404; or

Volunteer Opportunities


General Rules and Regulations

Sportsmanship Policy- Prohibited Conduct
  • No player, coach or  team follower shall:
  • Intentionally strike, push, shove, or use any other unsportsmanlike conduct towards another player, fan, or employee of the Student Development, Leadership & Activities.
  • If unsportsmanlike conduct occurs, the individuals involved may be asked to leave the playing field/ court, and depending on the severity of the incident, a possible SOBI report made be conducted or Campus Police may be contacted to handle the incident.

Verbal Abuse

Verbal abuse, including foul language of intramural personnel, will not be tolerated.

The Office of Student Development, Leadership & Activities will follow the College guidelines and rules regarding student conduct. 

Changes to League Schedule 

All teams are advised that changes to the league schedule will not be done to accommodate teams who may have certain players who cannot participate due to personal work schedules, prior engagements, or other games. Every effort to make reasonable accommodations will be made prior to the beginning of the program. It is encouraged that you have enough players to make a game in the event that other teammates cannot be at a game due to work, school, or any other prior engagement. Schedules are all subject to change.

Visit the Office of Student Life for more information regarding these programs.