Academic Dismissal


What is Academic Dismissal?

If a student on Academic Probation or Continued Academic Probation at any of the colleges of the Alamo Colleges District does not earn a semester GPA of 2.0 as well as a cumulative institutional GPA of 2.0 in the semester following their probationary status, they will be placed on Academic Dismissal. In accordance with the Academic Standards policy, students placed on Academic Dismissal are required to sit out one full fall or spring 16-week semester. Students placed on Academic Dismissal will receive ACES email notification informing them of their status at the end of the semester. 

If you are not sure which level of dismissal you are on, you may send an email request to the Academic Dismissal team to have your record reviewed at Please include your full name and banner ID in the message.

What happens if I am placed on 1st Academic Dismissal?

The Academic Standards policy at Northeast Lakeview College states that students who are placed on Academic Dismissal must sit out one (1) full sixteen (16) week semester before they are considered eligible to return. After the sit-out period, students are required to complete the petition process to be considered eligible for registration. Petitions are reviewed with an academic advisor by appointment only. No summer petitions are accepted at Northeast Lakeview College.

Note: Students who wish to enroll and not remain out a full fall or spring semester may submit a completed dismissal petition to be considered for an exception to the sit-out period. Students who complete the petition process and are granted the exception to the required sit-out period are able to enroll in classes with the understanding that they must comply with all requirements indicated on the Academic Dismissal Student Agreement form.

Petitioning does not guarantee approval of enrollment. It is at the discretion of the academic advisor to determine if it is the student's best interest to enroll or sit out the 16-week requirement as stated in the policy

What happens if I am placed on 2nd Academic Dismissal?

A 2nd Academic Dismissal occurs when students who were on first Academic Dismissal are not successful in the petitioning semester, or have another semester with their semester GPA below 2.0 and/ or do not meet all of the petition requirements.

Students will receive a notification via their ACES email informing them once final grades have posted. Students placed on 2nd Academic Dismissal will be required to sit out one (1) full 16 week semester (Spring or Fall) as per the Alamo Colleges District policy.

After one full 16-week semester, students must complete the petition process to be considered eligible for registration. No summer petitions are accepted at Northeast Lakeview College.

Students placed on 2nd Academic Dismissal do not have the option to petition without sitting out.

Petitioning does not guarantee approval of enrollment. 

What happens if I am placed on 3rd Academic Dismissal?

A 3rd Academic Dismissal occurs when students who were on 2nd Academic Dismissal are not successful either 1) in the petitioning semester, or 2) a consecutive semester and receive a semester GPA below 2.0 and/ or do not meet all of the petition requirements. Permanent Academic Dismissal happens anytime after being dismissed for a 3rd time. Students will receive a notification via ACES email informing them once final grades have posted. Students with three or more Academic Dismissals are not eligible to petition or enroll for a minimum of one (1) full Academic Year (Fall, Spring, Summer). After sitting out the required length of time, students must complete the petition process to be considered eligible for registration. No summer petitions are accepted at Northeast Lakeview College. Information regarding the Alamo Colleges District Academic Standing policy can be found online.

Students placed on 3rd/ Permanent Academic Dismissal do not have the option to petition without sitting out.

Petitioning does not guarantee approval of enrollment. 

What happens if I am on Academic Dismissal from a college or university?

If you are transferring to Northeast Lakeview College after being dismissed from another school (to include other colleges from the Alamo Colleges District), you will need to complete the Academic Dismissal process prior to being eligible to enroll in courses. No summer petitions are accepted at Northeast Lakeview College.

How do I submit a request to appeal under academic dismissal with NLC?

If you have confirmed which level of dismissal you are on and would like to request to appeal your dismissal status, click the link below to get started. Make sure to review all instructions and deadlines posted on the Academic Dismissal Petition Process page to get started.

Academic Dismissal Petition Process