Faculty Senate
Philosophy Statement
The Faculty Senate seeks to create, maintain, and protect a collegial environment conducive to the growth of scholarship, learning, teaching, research, service, and respect for human dignity and rights.
Mission Statement
The mission of the Faculty Senate is to advocate for and lead faculty in fulfilling their responsibilities in the shared governance of the college and to represent faculty interests to college and community stakeholders.
The Faculty Senate will establish itself as an efficacious champion of academic quality, as the authority for the delivery of instruction, and as a source of advice and support for college and district administration.
The Faculty Senate values:
- academic quality
- academic freedom
- academic integrity
- creative and responsible inquiry
- thought and expression in an atmosphere of civility and respect
- effective and open communication
- the rights and shared responsibilities of students, staff, community, faculty, and administration
- helping students achieve their academic goals in a dynamic learning environment
The Faculty Senate is comprised of three officers and 16 senators from throughout the College. View members.
Faculty Senate meets regularly, and the meetings are open to the public unless the Senate goes into Executive Session.
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