Faculty and Staff

The Honors Academy Program is looking for faculty who are willing to

  • Attend a beginning-of-the-semester meeting
  • Submit a syllabus
  • Use student-centered teaching methods
  • Review end-of-semester student course evaluations, eLumen reports, and SAC Scores reports for continuous improvement
  • Provide intellectual leadership, advising, and mentoring for students
  • Innovate with inclusive curriculum, approaches, and pedagogies
  • Attend monthly Honors faculty/staff meetings (optional for adjuncts)
  • Serve on one Honors committee (optional for adjuncts)
  • Hold office hours in the Honors Center (optional for adjuncts)
  • Attend a mid-semester check-in
  • Participate in extra-curricular Program events (optional for adjuncts)
  • Participate in a classroom observation and post-observation with Director
  • Recommended innovation through software, HIPs, and experiential learning, and the like
  • Recommended exploration and implementation of emerging trends in higher education, inclusive pedagogy, and equity in pedagogy 
  • Demonstrate commitment to professional growth

    Faculty teaching in the Honors Academy receive an invitation to the Canvas Honors Faculty informational course. 


Bunch, Jeanette, M.S.
Instructor of Student Development
Faculty Sponsor Phi Theta Kappa
Phone: (210) 486-1368
Email: jniznik@alamo.edu
Office: MLC 612

Bueno, Marianne, Ph.D.
Assistant Professor of History
Phone: (210) 486-1341
Email: mbueno41@alamo.edu
Office: CAC 314

Chavera, David, M.S.
Professor of Mathematics
Phone: (210) 486-0281
Email: dchavera@alamo.edu
Office: MCCH 312

Davis, Caroline, M.A.
Instructor of English 
Phone: (210) 486-0670
Email: crichardson36@alamo.edu 
Office: GH 224B
Herrick, Daniel, Ph.D.
Instructor of Philosophy
Phone: (210) 486-1701
Email: dherrick1@alamo.edu
Office: OC 238

Hunt, Jeff, M.A.
Professor of Speech
Phone: (210) 486-0487
Email: jhunt1@alamo.edu
Office: MCFA 221

Masoud, Fatima, M.A.
Instructor of English
Phone: 486-0676
Email: fmasoud@alamo.edu
Office: GH 209A

Morgan, Kerri M., M.A.
Instructor of Music
Phone: (210) 486-0255
Email: kmorgan31@alamo.edu
Office: McFA 101
Kara Mowrey, Ph.D.
Instructor of Student Development
Phone: (210) 486-0372
Email: kmowrey1@alamo.edu
Office: CAC 326
Portales, Patricia, Ph. D.
Professor of English
Phone: (210) 486-0681
Email: pportales@alamo.edu
Office: GH 204
Ramos, Lisa, Ph.D.
Associate Professor of History
Phone: (210) 486-
Office: CAC
Ramsey, Jolinda, M.A.
Assistant Professor of Speech
Phone: (210) 486-0496
Email: jramsey@alamo.edu
Office: MCFA 209

Luis Rangel-Ortiz, Ph.D.
Instructor of Humanities
Phone: (210) 486-1429
Email: lrangel-ortiz@alamo.edu
Office: GH 123

Ross, Jecoa, M.A.
Instructor of History
Phone: (210) 486-1101
Email: jross100@alamo.edu
Office: CAC 303A

Sanchez, Michael, Ph.D.
Professor of Political Science
Phone: (210) 486-1697
Email: msanchez40@alamo.edu
Office: CAC 214
Slonaker, Terri, M.A.
Assistant Professor of Sociology
Phone: (210) 486-1333
Email: tslonaker@alamo.edu
Office: CAC 136E

Wallis, Dehlia, M.S.
Professor of Psychology         
Phone: (210) 486-0776
Email: dstrong2@alamo.edu
Office: MLC 614

Well, Kimberly, Ph.D.
Instructor of English
Phone: (210) 486-0665
Email: kwells37@alamo.edu
Office: GH 224A
Willette, Dane, M.A.
Instructor of Political Science
Phone: (210) 486-1313
Email: dwillette3@alamo.edu
Office: CAC 236



Ramirez, Norma L.
Certified Academic Advisor
Phone: (210) 486-1428
Email: nramirez28@alamo.edu
Office: CAC 122B

Guerrero, Lisa
Advising Peer Mentor
Phone: (210) 486-1100
Email: lgarcia900@alamo.edu
Office: CAC 122

Jason Perez
Advising Peer Mentor
Phone: (210) 486-1100
Email: jperez1279@alamo.edu
Office: CAC 122


The Honors Academy Program is looking for full-time faculty teaching courses within the Core.  If you are interested in joining our team, please contact your Department Chair about the application process. 

The application process serves as a way to identify, recruit, and develop faculty to teach special population courses based on established criteria, as well as an equitable opportunity for all faculty to teach special population courses. By completing an application, you acknowledge an understanding that there is no additional compensation to teach with this special population, agree to teach on a rotating basis, align your course to the mission and goals of the special population program, and fulfill the program duties and responsibilities if accepted. Department Chairs will notify all applicants of decisions no later than the week before schedule building is complete.