Student Employees

Student Employee Program

Required Training 

  1. Complete Required Professional Development Sessions (Students Must Complete)
    • Required training is listed below under professional development sessions. Most of the training is online and can be found on Alamotalent. Instructions on how to access training are below. Students may pick up a student employee lanyard in Moody 107 after orientation.  The graphic below highlights required Alamotalent trainings:

      FWS Professional Development.PNG

      How to Access Work-study Professional Development PDF

  2. Complete an E-Portfolio (Students Must Complete)
    • Please place a link to your portfolio (elumen or another website) or LinkedIn webpage, so that we may see your resume. If students don't have access or don't want to create any above platforms, they may have their resume on a onedrive but must make it visible and share it in a link. (Speak to IT if you have questions on how to access your student onedrive account)
  3. Complete A Post Survey (Students Must Complete)
    • All students have to complete a post-survey in their last month of work or sooner should they wish (link below).
  4. Verify Your Evaluation (Supervisors Must Complete)
    • Please work with your supervisor to ensure they have submitted your end evaluation in your last month of employment. 

Student Employee of the Month Award

Work-Study Supervisors can now nominate student employees for our Student Employee of the Month award. To qualify for this award:

  • Students must be in good behavior standing at work.
  • Students must have completed their required trainings.
  • Student Employee supervisor must complete a nomination form. 

Nomination Form

Student Employee Events

***These events are only for current student employees***

October 31, 2023 (11am-1pm) - Pizza Party - Register Here

November 20, 2023 (11am-1pm) - Turkey Dinner - Register Here

December 7, 2023 (11am-1pm) - Pan Dulce & Hot Chocolate - Register Here


Student Employee Supervisors

When work-study students are onboarded, supervisors/hiring managers should assist the student in completing a Work-Study Agreement Form

Work-Study Hiring Process

Federal Work-Study

The College Work-Study Program is a financial aid need-based program that provides students funds earned through employment on-campus. 

To be eligible, students must meet the following requirements: 

Note: Students only need to complete one application and various departments on campus can view your application. If departments are interested in hiring you, you may be called for an interview

Below are links to the work-study hiring process and documents needed during the application phase. For additional questions, please visit Moody Learning Center (Room 107).

Work-Study Hiring Process

Acceptable Identification Documents

Acceptable Direct Deposit Documents

Work-Study Agreement Form