Construction Projects
Northeast Lakeview College prepares for future growth through various construction projects adding buildings and expanding the college’s footprint.
Other Construction ProjectsVeterans CenterRFQ Proposals now being accepted: Signature exterior sculpture for main entrance Receiving continued investments from the 87th Texas Legislature, Northeast Lakeview College (NLC) will be the next site for a new Veterans Center within the Alamo Colleges District (ACD). Awarded $7.7 million for a new Veterans Center, the funds are part of the State of Texas appropriations provided to the Alamo Colleges for the 2022-2023 biennium Funds will be used to construct a stand-alone building dedicated to providing services to active and retired military and their families will provide a “one-stop” location offering a convenient central place for them to have direct access to academic and non-academic services
Veterans Center Building Construction Renderings
New Veterans Center Construction
Veterans Center GroundbreakingNovember 10, 2022 Click below to watch the recorded stream of the event |
Capital Improvement Project (CIP)Paluxy Building - CompletedCapital Improvement Projects are funded through May 2017, Bexar County voter-approved a capital improvement bond proposal representing $450 million in Alamo Colleges District-wide capital improvements. Northeast Lakeview College received some of this funding to construct its newest and tenth facility, Paluxy Hall. Now open, the 86,390 sq. ft. facility expands learning and classroom space for science and engineering courses, provides study spaces, academic support, and a 3rd-floor multipurpose room with the ability to host large events. The facility will also provide space so that NLC can expand its career and technical programs. Future plans and use for the building include expanding Nursing Programs into the NLC service area. Building Information
Expanded Learning Opportunities