Early Alert

What is Early-Alert?

The Early Alert system is an Alamo College collaborative effort designed to help support student success by identifying students who are at risk of failing their classes early in the semester. The Early Alert system enables faculty and Academic Advising to work together to assist students with their academic difficulties and provides a solid support system for the student.  

When Is a Student At-Risk?

When students are alerted that they are at-risk, it means they are at-risk of possibly not completing the class with a passing grade. Some potential reasons for this are:

  • Missing classes / Consistently arriving late to class
  • Not participating or engaging in class
  • Lack of motivation to participate or complete assignments
  • Lack of focus/attention in class
  • Not submitting your assignments or submitting them late
  • Submitting incomplete assignments
  • Lacking note-taking skills
  • Low quiz/exam scores
  • Inappropriate classroom etiquette
  • Frequent distractions while in class or while studying
  • Personal issues
  • Sudden drop in attendance/grades
  • Other reasons as determined by instructor 

The Early Alert system allows for instructors to notify both you and your advisor that they are concerned about your success in the course and want to help you. Speaking to your instructor about what you can do to improve your grades is the best thing to do when you are notified by email. Scheduling time to meet with your advisor to discuss what is happening in your life and what strategies or resources would help you be successful is critical to your success. Many of the reasons listed above can be resolved quickly by speaking to your instructor(s) and advisor.  

How Are Students Notified That They Are At-Risk?

When your instructor(s) is concerned that you are not doing well in their class(es), they will send an Early Alert notification to your ACES email account. The instructor sends out alerts by the third week of class, however there are times where they may send this before in or throughout the semester. If the issues are not resolved by mid-term, they will send out a second alert. Your assigned advisor may also receive this notification, and send you an additional email asking you to meet with them. Please do not ignore these emails, as both your instructor(s) and your advisor want and can help you. The sooner you work with your instructor(s) and advisor, the more likely you will be successful in your classes by the end of the semester. 

How Can Academic Advisors Help?

As your advisor, we want to help clear the path for you. We want to talk about what challenges you are facing (both academic and non-academic), and connect you with resources that promote self-awareness, accountability and academic achievement. In addition, many of these resources can reduce or eliminate the stress you are experiencing to help you better focus on your studies. Understanding your academic future is imperative in completing your educational goals. We want to be able to discuss with you your goals, and develop a plan that will help you be successful. In addition, we want to be sure you are aware of how failing grades can affect your Academic Standing. 

For more information regarding Academic Standing, please go to the following link: 

Academic Standards

What Are Some Benefits to Students?

If students actively participate in this process and work with their instructors and advisors, they may see:

  • Increased success
  • A positive self-image
  • Progress toward academic, transfer and career goals
  • Exposure to and development of academic and personal tools for success
  • A higher chance of passing your courses 

Data has shown that students who actively seek out the assistance of their faculty and academic advisors have a higher percentage of passing all coursework and maintaining a high GPA throughout their academic career. 

How Can Students Avoid Becoming At-Risk?

Speak with your instructors first! Your faculty want to see you succeed. Your assigned academic advisor is another advocate in your corner. Reach out to your advisor to schedule an advising appointment to discuss your options. Please check your ACES email for appointment information from your advisor. You can also see who your assigned advisor is by logging into ACES and clicking on the “My Page” tab. Your assigned advisor’s information will be listed under the Academic Profile section.