Learning Assessment
The Integrated Planning and Performance Excellence (IPPE) division promotes college-wide inquiry and assessment by leading and supporting the development, implementation, validation and reporting of academic and administrative outcomes at San Antonio College.
Are all students learning? This is the fundamental question at the heart of our institution and the charge of the Learning Assessment team. We believe that providing opportunities for students to attain Marketable Skills (THECB core objectives/skill areas) through experiences, not only in the classroom but through each interaction they have (academics, student success, co-curricular, and extracurricular) will prepare them with the skills needed for the workforce, as well as to continue advancing in their academic journey.
SAC has innovated assessment by incorporating High Impact Practices (HIPs) to support students to reach their personal and educational goals through data, reflection, and development. By including practices that support equitable engagement opportunities for students, we can gain a broader understanding of our students. HIPs, such as the ePortfolio, are promoted college-wide to encourage student reflection and deeper learning.
Student Learning Outcome (SLO) assessment is collected via the eLumen assessment software platform. In addition to providing insights for data-informed decision making, the data provides students with real-time access to their progress attaining their Course Student Learning Outcomes (CSLO), Program Student Learning Outcomes (PSLO), and Institutional Learning Outcomes referred to as Marketable Skills. This supports the San Antonio College mission to “help students achieve their full potential by preparing them to graduate, transfer, or enter the workforce with effective critical thinking skills, communication proficiency, leadership ability, personal and civic responsibility, empirical and quantitative understanding, performance proficiency, and the ability to work effectively in teams.”
- Lead and support assessment process to continuously improve the campus practice of assessment for student learning outcomes.
- Collect, analyze, and disseminate findings to support decision making and inform stakeholders.
- Advance institutional effectiveness through collaboration with campus leadership and committees.
Strategic Plan 2019-2022
- Institution Strategic Priority: STUDENT SUCCESS: Sustain, assess, and improve student pathways and optimize campus environments to expand access, increase retention, and guide and support student success through completion.
- Institution Goal: Continue to develop, assess, and improve data-informed pathways to support student academic success and career planning, and to advance equity.
- Learning Assessment Objective: Provide Student Learning Assessment Data to Academic Success, Student Success to support data informed decision making.
- Institution Strategic Priority: PRINCIPLE-CENTERED LEADERSHIP: Develop a work environment that supports and empowers every employee to perform at the highest level.
- Institution Goal: Develop strategies and systems that promote leadership development and accountability.
- Learning Assessment Objective: Increase knowledge of Student Learning Outcomes data and mission to support student attainment of Marketable Skills throughout the college
- Institution Strategic Priority: PRINCIPLE-CENTERED LEADERSHIP: Develop a work environment that supports and empowers every employee to perform at the highest level.
- Institution Goal: Provide employee engagement, development, and empowerment, and create a best place to work environment
- Learning Assessment Objective: Develop training, workshops, and support opportunities for student, faculty and staff to deepen their Student Learning Outcomes work
The Course Student Learning Outcomes are a group of Student Learning Outcome (SLO) statements that specify what will be learned in the course and what the student will be required to know or demonstrate. The list of SLOs are printed in the syllabus under Outcomes. All instructors at San Antonio College whether full time, adjunct, and dual-credit are required to report the progress of their students in every semester, every course, and for every SLO.
Student Success Learning Outcomes specify what will be learned in Student Success areas and what the student will be required to know or demonstrate. At San Antonio College, we believe that every interaction with a student is an opportunity for learning.
Student Learning Outcomes (SLOs) tie to larger college Marketable Skills, which are skills employers have asked us to incorporate into all degrees and certificates.
These skills will help students find employment, internships, advance in their career, and/or be ready to transfer to a university/college.
Student Learning Outcomes are mapped directly to the Program Learning Outcomes in Professional and Technical (PTE) disciplines. Student Learning Outcomes in Arts and Sciences, PTE, and Student Success are mapped directly to Marketable Skills (Communication, Critical Thinking, Performance, Personal Responsibility, Social Responsibility, Leadership, Teamwork, and Empirical and Quantitative Skills). Students mastering outcomes in their courses gain the skills necessary to transfer to a 4-year institution or go directly into the workforce.
Academic Success
Academic Success - Cycle of Improvement.pdf
Student Success
Student Success - Cycle of Improvement.pdf
CONTACT US (sac-slos@alamo.edu) | |||
![]() Rosalind K. Ong, M.Ed. Director of Learning Outcomes Assessment (210) 486-1389 rong@alamo.edu |
![]() Jolinda Ramsey, MA (PT) IPPE Learning Assessment Support for Arts & Sciences Faculty - Arts & Sciences: Speech Communication (210) 486-0496 jramsey@alamo.edu |
![]() Julie Razuri, B.A.A.S. (PT) IPPE Learning Assessment Support for PTE Faculty - PTE: ASL & Interpreter Training (210) 486-1120 jrazuri@alamo.edu |