Free/Low-Cost Textbooks
What are instructional materials?
Instructional Materials are any resource faculty use to support teaching and learning objectives within their content expertise and discipline standards. Examples include textbooks, handbooks, workbooks, web-based content, lab manuals, videos, films, homework platforms or access codes, simulations, images, diagrams, musical scores, maps or manipulatives.
What are no-cost instructional materials?
Instructional materials that are provided to students at no additional cost as they are instructor-created, OER, free on the internet, or available through the library resources. These materials support teaching and learning objectives within the content expertise of faculty and discipline standards. Examples include lecture notes, assignments, rubrics, quizzes/tests, videos, diagrams, manuals, articles or books. Excluded are any materials that are copyright-protected or restricted by terms of use policies. Students can search the class schedule for courses using no-cost instructional materials by selecting the AlamoOpen attribute.
What are low-cost instructional materials?
Instructional materials that cost students $30 or less. These materials support teaching and learning objectives within the content expertise of faculty and discipline standards. Examples include handbooks, novels, non-fiction texts, art supplies, manuals or software. Excluded are any materials that are copyright-protected or restricted by terms of use policies. NOTE: Courses using IM Direct publisher materials are discounted below competitive market rates, but they do not meet the $30 or less definition of low-cost. Students are direct billed for the IM as part of their tuition. Students can opt out before census date by re-enrolling in a non-IMD course. Students can search the class schedule for courses using IM Direct instructional materials by selecting the Alamo IM Direct Course attribute. (I have included a screen shot that should be added to this information.
What is OER?
Open educational resources (OER) are teaching, learning, and research resources that are copyright-free or have been released under a license that permits others to reuse, revise, remix and redistribute them. Examples of OER include full courses, course modules, syllabi, lectures, homework assignments, quizzes, lab and classroom activities, pedagogical materials, games, simulations, and many more resources contained in digital media collections from around the world. Students can search the class schedule for courses using OER by selecting the AlamoOpen attribute.
Interested in OER? Send us an email here.
What is IM Direct?
IM Direct (IMD) is an inclusive access model with major education publishers, including Pearson, Cengage and McGraw-Hill Education. Entire classes of students automatically receive digital instructional materials discounted below competitive market rates, rather than purchasing them individually. Students are direct billed for the IM as part of their tuition. Students can opt out before census date by re-enrolling in a non-IMD course. Students can search the class schedule for courses using IMD instructional materials by selecting the Alamo IM Direct Course attribute. NOTE: IM Direct courses do not meet the $30 or less definition of low-cost.
Faculty: Identify your low/no-cost or OER course | Students: Thank your professor |
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Faculty Benefits