Mission Statement  

Project VALOR collaborates with students in their development of academic, social and marketable skills while enrolled at San Antonio College. Our program provides students with holistic academic support within a learning community of peers.

The TRiO VSSS program is offered at no cost to students. We provide academic and community support for student veterans studying at San Antonio College. 

Apply Today

  • A point of contact for Veterans services, needs and resources
  • Weekly or bi-weekly Student Mentoring via phone, email, text or office visits to discuss student progress and specific areas of concern
  • Liaison for on and off campus services & referrals
  • Individual Case Management
Academic Support
  • Academic Advising and assistance with course selections
  • Academic  tutoring
  • Academic Success Workshops
    • Academic & Career Exploration
    • Learning to Learn (learning styles, math anxiety, study tips, test-taking anxiety)
    • Personal Management (time management, stress management, identifying goals)
    • Online Learning
  • Individualized Graduation Plan
  • Access to Computer/Study Lab
Financial Aid & Scholarships
  • Assistance with applying for financial aid and completing the free application for Federal Student Aid
  • Assistance with identifying public and private scholarships
  • Information and resources on using financial aid with VA education benefits 
Financial Literacy Workshops
  • Assistance in making the best use of GI benefits (including budgeting and financial management)
  • Personal and family budget planning
  • Cost planning for postsecondary education (e.g., spending, saving, personal budgeting)
  • College cost of attendance (e.g., public vs. private, tuition vs. fees, personal costs)
  • Financial Assistance (e.g., searches, application processes, differences between private and governmental loans)
Transfer Counseling & Advising
  • Four-year college and university campus visits
  • College transfer fairs

Contact Us

For inquiries about TRIO, you can reach us at:

Victory Center, Room 205
Monday - Thursday, 8 a.m. - 5 p.m. 
Friday (Virtual Services Only)
(210) 486-1418 

To set up an appointment, reach out to TRIO staff directly:

Erica Alvarez
(210) 486-1703

Thomas Perez Jr.
Administrative Services Specialist
(210) 486-1700


Julia Botello
Liberal Arts Tutor | Zoom

Monday - Thursday: 11 a.m. - 5 p.m.

Ralph Hernandez
Math Tutor | Zoom

Monday: 10 a.m. - 5 p.m.
Thursday: 11 a.m. - 5 p.m.

Robert Trevino
Peer Mentor

Monday, Wednesday: 1 - 5 p.m.
Tuesday, Thursday: 8 a.m. - 12 p.m.

Project VALOR is a federally funded TRIO Student Support Services-Veterans program